At the Eindhovensche Golf we seek to provide a relaxed and sociable ambience in which golf can be played and enjoyed. We expect all golfers playing on our course or using our facilities to act in a sportsmanlike way and show courtesy to fellow players.
We would, therefore, ask you to comply with the following:
- Please be courteous to all fellow players and personnel
- Don’t delay while playing
- Should your play be slower, please let through the flight behind you
- Wait till the flight in front of you is well out of hitting distance before hitting your ball
- Pay attention to the people in your flight and others on the course
- Trolleys and golf carts are only allowed on the designated paths and on the fairways
- Please repair pitch marks
- Please rake the bunker should you be so unfortunate as to land in it
- Please replace divots
- Respect our flora and fauna
Course personnel always has right of way. If a blue light is flashing on one of the course machines or if course personnel is within playing distance, play is not permitted.